The Radical Truth
The purpose of The Radical Truth podcast is simple: we want to search out the radical nature of the truth as revealed in God’s Word, the Bible, and learn about Jesus our wonderful, loving Savior. We also want to learn on how to live out this radical faith that Jesus created. Each podcast is roughly 30 minutes and features the fiery teaching of Glenn Meldrum. At times he will debut a song written and performed by young Christian musicians. Subscribe to this podcast so you won’t miss a single episode.
The Revival Series
The Revival Series Part 16
We are still studying Isaiah 40:1-4. At this point, we are digging into some of the hindrances to revival such as unbelief, irresponsibility and pride. These mountains must be torn down so that revival can come to us personally, to our local church and to our nation.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 15
The life and ministry of John the Baptist was prophesied about in Isaiah chapter 40. Using verses 1-5 we have been for the last couple of weeks learning what these verses have to teach us about authentic revival. As we look at John, whose ministry it was to prepare the way for Messiah to come to His people, we will see how this truth relates to the true church, who is called of God to prepare the way for the Holy Spirit to come to those who are genuine followers of the Savior.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 14
We will take an honest look at John the Baptist in this lesson and see that he was a radical that loved God supremely. Jesus called him the greatest prophet that ever was because he prepared the way for the promised Messiah to come to His people. Here is a powerful truth about revival; if there is no John the Baptist kind of people to prepare the way for the Lord to come to His people, then revival will be kept from the church and nation. The Lord is looking for men and women that will stand in the gap to be agents of revival. We are in desperate need of such saints.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 13
How are we to prepare the way for revival to come to our lives, families, churches, communities and nation? This is the subject of this lesson in our continuing series on revival. We will only start examining how to prepare for revival and will pick up in the next couple of lesson this extremely important subject. Accounts from the Hebrides Awakening are interwoven into this lesson. This is a really good one so don't miss it.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 12
How does genuine revival come to a church, community or nation? Through revival praying and this is the subject of this extremely important lesson.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 11
In this lesson on revival we will examine the importance that a passion to seek the face of God plays in praying for revival. This is not only a very important message, it's is the source of greatest joy to the true follower of Jesus.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 10
This lesson is on character and how the condition of our character will either be a catalyst for genuine revival or will grieve the Holy Spirit, who is the agent of revival. Without a godly character there will be no revival in our own life or in the local church. This is an extremely important message.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 9
Since God is holy, He commands His followers to be holy. In our continuing series on revival, we will see how personal holiness is integral to an authentic outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 8
The holiness of God as it is revealed in authentic revival is the subject of this lesson. This truth is vital for anyone who wants to see a genuine move of the Spirit that can reap a great harvest of souls for the glory of God.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 7
In part 7 of The Revival Series we will examine how the powerful conviction of the Holy Spirit produces radical, Biblical conversions. This message is vitally important.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 6
Part 6 of The Revival Series is about Holy Spirit conviction that takes place in genuine revival. If there isn't profound conviction in meetings that are said to be revival, then it isn't real revival. The more the Holy Spirit is present, the more the Holy Spirit will do what He was sent into this world to do, which is to convict people of their sin so that they might repent and be saved. This is a good lesson.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 5
In part five of our continuing series on revival we will look at the role repentance plays in an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This is an extremely important message to understand if we want to see authentic revival. Please share this with others, for it is a crucial lesson on the subject.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 4
In part four of The Revival Series we will look at some of the fruit of revival. Then we will seek to understand if revival is God's responsibility or ours. This lesson contains many truths that can help the church effectively seek God for authentic revival.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 3
In part three in our series of revival we will look at the role the Holy Spirit has in revival. This is some good, practical truth that can help set your soul on fire for God.
Listen NowThe Revival Series Part 2
In part two of this series on revival we will study 2 Chronicles 7:14, which is a commonly used verse on the subject. This is a soul stirring message and I pray it helps move us towards revival.
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