
The Radical Jesus
By Glenn Meldrum
Paperback: $15.99
Kindle: $.99
The Radical Jesus is a brief examination of Christ’s life, teaching, death and resurrection. Everything about Jesus is absolutely radical; Scripture clearly reveals that He is certainly not a tame or manageable deity. Without a clear understanding of who Jesus is, we can never hope to be the disciples we were meant to be in this fallen world. The twofold purpose of this book is to exalt the Radical Jesus by presenting a fresh glimpse at who He is and to reveal the high calling that true believers are to live.

Rescue Me
By Glenn Meldrum
Paperback: $10.00 (shipping included)
Kindle: $.99
Rescue Me is a candid investigation into how our character affects every portion of our lives. The unrefined and unconquered portions of our character cause more harm than a host of adversaries, be they men or demons. In contrast, a godly nature yields good fruit whether in adversity or prosperity. From pulpit to pew the church is suffering from a lack of person and corporate holiness. Our lifestyles of compromise are holding back the tangible power of the Holy Spirit. Once these hindrances are removed the church will become a radical agent of change in a perishing world. Rescue Me! was written to help believers understand a little more clearly how the sinful nature corrupts our character and to offer some Biblical answers that will help us to live the Victorious Christian life. This life changing resource is ideal for personal or group Bible study.

Rend the Heavens
By Glenn Meldrum
Paperback: $10.00 (shipping included)
Kindle: $.99
Rend The Heavens was written to stir spiritually hungry saints to the dire need for revival in our land. Genuine revival is an invasion from heaven which brings to men a conscience awareness of God. It changes churches and transforms society. This is what it means for the Lord to Rend the Heavens. The greatest spiritual advances the church has ever made were accomplished through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The God of revival has transformed cities and nations in the past. He will do it again.

Floods on Dry Ground
By Jessica Meldrum
Paperback: $7.00 (shipping included)
Kindle: $.99
Floods on Dry Ground is the extraordinary account of the Hebrides Awakening. For a season, God pulled back the veil separating heaven and earth in response to the prayers of a few saints. Their prayer? “Lord, forgive our waywardness and iniquities; ‘pour water on the thirsty and floods on the dry ground” (Isa. 44:3). This book is a collection of the events leading up to the revival, accounts of the revival and Duncan Campbell’s testimony, a minister greatly used in this awakening.

This powerful set of messages includes:
- Meet the Man
- Man of one Book
- Life in the Spirit
- Soul Winner and Minister of Healing
Smith Wigglesworth
By George Storemont
Audio Series: $10.00 (shipping included)
Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947) was a man God used in modern times to remind us that the Holy Spirit still yearns to manifest His power through the miraculous by using ordinary people. Many have heard the stories of extraordinary healings, powerful signs and dead raised to life through the great faith of Wigglesworth. However, we seldom hear about the man himself . What was the secret of his power? Why did he prevail with God ? How did he continually live in a place of humility and brokenness? Rev. Storemont in this challenging and encouraging teaching, allows us an intimate look at his friend and mentor, Smith Wigglesworth. Using stirring accounts and subtle humor, Storemont holds the unwavering attention of his listeners as he effectively brings glory to God.

This dynamic teaching set includes:
3 messages on Suffering and the Crucified Life
Bonus Message: Radical Christianity. This sermon by Glenn will move your Spirit and challenge your thinking.
Suffering and the Crucified Life
By Glenn Meldrum
Audio Series: $10.00 (shipping included)
Jesus is calling His people to live the victorious life He purchased for us on Calvary. In this practical and soul stirring teaching by Glenn Meldrum you will learn how God can make you triumphant over your trials. The Lord is not calling us to run from our difficulties, but to conquer them. In this powerful series Glenn unfolds the Biblical truths about suffering so you can be an overcomer through Christ. You will be inspired and filled with hope.

This set includes:
Three teaching CDs on the Atonement
Bonus message by Glenn Meldrum: Sacrifices the Lord Accepts
The Atonement
By Glenn Meldrum
Audio Series: $10.00 (shipping included)
The Atonement is the sacrificial work Jesus did to bring us to God. The purpose of this teaching by Glenn Meldrum is to unfold in simple terms this great mystery which is the foundation of our faith. The practical application of the Atonement with a theological overview helps make this teaching understandable and enlightening. It will give believers a fresh revelation of the cross; a deeper understanding of a God of mercy and an increased gratitude at the incredible price Jesus paid that we might we with Him forever.