In His Presence Ministries

The Radical Truth

The purpose of The Radical Truth podcast is simple: we want to search out the radical nature of the truth as revealed in God’s Word, the Bible, and learn about Jesus our wonderful, loving Savior. We also want to learn on how to live out this radical faith that Jesus created. Each podcast is roughly 30 minutes and features the fiery teaching of Glenn Meldrum. Subscribe to this podcast so you won’t miss a single episode.

Book of Acts Part 50 – 21:10-29

In this lesson we will study the beginning of Paul's long persecution and imprisonment that will ultimately lead to his execution by Emperor Nero. There are some important truths that need to be understood that we will dig into in this lesson, so don't miss it.

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Book of Acts Part 49 – 20:33-21:9

This lesson begins by continuing the account of Paul's visit with the elders of Ephesus. Here we will get a look at the profound love they had for each other. From there the pace picks up as we follow Paul's journey from Miletus to Caesarea, which was the port city for Jerusalem. There are some wonderful truths that we will dig into in this lesson, so don't miss it.

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Book of Acts Part 48 – 20:25-32

Paul is spending some time in a neighboring city to meet with the elders of Ephesus. This would be the last time he would see their faces in this life, so it was an emotional visit. Listen to this man of God's appeal to those church leaders because he was pouring out his heart to give them some final admonishments. This is a good, practical lesson that is also very challenging.

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Book of Acts Part 47 – 20:1-24

Acts chapter 20 opens with Paul leaving Ephesus after Demetrius, a silversmith that manufactured idols, had started a riot in an effort to silence Paul either by death, imprisonment or expulsion from the city. The silversmiths had taken a major decline in their income from the sale of idols because of the revival that swept the city after Paul began preaching the Gospel. After Paul left Ephesus he made his way to Corinth, Greece for a third visit. After this be began heading to Jerusalem, hoping to arrive by the Feast of Pentecost. As we follow Paul's journey to Jerusalem we see a man who loves Jesus with his entire being and loves people compassionately.

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Book of Acts Part 46 – 19:21-41

In the portion of Acts 19 that we are studying we will see the results of authentic revival that took place in Ephesus and the persecution that came about because of it. This is a powerful lesson, and the truths found in it, we need to apply to our lives.

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Book of Acts Part 45 – 19:10-20

The main account in this lesson is extremely interesting. Paul goes to Ephesus and during his time there seven sons of a man named Sceva started a business casting demons out of people. Their business takes an interesting turn that the seven brothers weren't expecting and the Lord used it in a marvelous way.

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Book of Acts Part 44 – 18:24-19:9

We will meet in this lesson Apollos, who was a dynamic preacher that effectively ministered to fellow Jews by proving that Jesus is the promised Messiah. We will also see what happens when Paul, on his third missionary journey, ends up in Ephesus. This is a powerful account that we need to understand how it applies to us.

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Book of Acts Part 43 – 18:5-23

In this portion of Acts we will find Paul ministering in Corinth. He stays there for roughly two years and has much fruit from it. Yet in spite of his powerful ministry opposition arose and the people were hindered by unbelief. There are some powerful lesson we will go over in this study.

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Book of Acts Part 42 – 17:27-18:4

In this lesson we find Paul preaching at the Areopagus in Athens, Greece. This is where the supreme court of that city met, and the philosophers used it to debate. Though it doesn't seem that Paul saw revival break out in Athens, a man of great distinction that sat upon the supreme court became a follower of Jesus. This is a great, historical story.

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Truth Has Fallen

Truth has fallen in the streets of our nation, in the homes and even in many churches. Learn why this is happening and what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones. This is a very important message for our day. I posted this sermon because I was preaching in the Netherlands when the podcast was released. Hope you enjoy it.

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It is Finished

The last thing Jesus said before He died on the cross was "It is Finished." This sermon is an examination into what Jesus meant by that statement. It's a powerful truth that can profoundly impact our lives if we let it. I posted this sermon in place of the regular teaching we have been doing on the Book of Acts because I was ministering in the Netherlands at the time this podcast was released. Hope you enjoy it.

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Book of Acts Part 41 – 17:7-26

In this lesson we will study Paul's ministry in Thessalonica, Berea and Athens. He had a very exciting life to say the least and we will have a chance to learn a little about his extraordinary missionary work.

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Book of Acts Part 40 – 16:32-17:6

This lesson is on Paul and Silas' ministry to Philippi and Thessalonica and how those 2 cities were shaken. The God of the Book of Acts is the God of today. He hasn't changed and the revivals of old are prophesies of what He wants to do again. May this lesson stir your heart and soul.

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Book of Acts Part 39 – 16:13-31

Paul is used to cast a demon out of a girl who was a slave. Then the slave owners turned on Paul and Silas and had them publicly stripped naked, beaten with rods and then thrown in prison. They had a very busy day to say the least. This is an exciting lesson.

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Book of Acts Part 38 – 15:30-16:12

In this lesson we will examine the sad event of Paul and Barnabas being separated from each other as missionary companions. We will see the reason why this happened and how the Lord blessed Paul as he lead his missionary team into continental Europe.

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