In His Presence Ministries


Book of Acts Part 49 – 20:33-21:9

This lesson begins by continuing the account of Paul’s visit with the elders of Ephesus. Here we will get a look at the profound love they had for each other. From there the pace picks up as we follow Paul’s journey from Miletus to Caesarea, which was the port city for Jerusalem. There are some wonderful truths that we will dig into in this lesson, so don’t miss it.

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Book of Acts Part 47 – 20:1-24

Acts chapter 20 opens with Paul leaving Ephesus after Demetrius, a silversmith that manufactured idols, had started a riot in an effort to silence Paul either by death, imprisonment or expulsion from the city. The silversmiths had taken a major decline in their income from the sale of idols because of the revival that swept the city after Paul began preaching the Gospel. After Paul left Ephesus he made his way to Corinth, Greece for a third visit. After this be began heading to Jerusalem, hoping to arrive by the Feast of Pentecost. As we follow Paul’s journey to Jerusalem we see a man who loves Jesus with his entire being and loves people compassionately.

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Book of Acts Part 18 – 6:5-10

The final verses involved in choosing the first deacons is one point we will focus on in this podcast. This leads into the account of Stephen, who was one of those first deacons, and his life, testimony and martyrdom. We will only have time to dig into the opening thoughts of this account and the catalyst that led to his murder. This is a much needed message today.

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Book of Acts Part 9 – 2:41-42

We are only going to dig into two verses in this lesson. They contain some of the fruit that came out of the Day of Pentecost as seen in Acts chapter two. There are two points that stand out. The first is the power of the Holy Spirit that brought 3000 souls to Christ and the second is the devotion those early saints had for Jesus. This is a very important lesson to understand and apply to our lives.

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Gospel of Luke Part 92 – 20:1-9

In the opening of this lesson we will look at what Jesus meant by a “house of prayer.” Then we will begin digging into chapter 20 of Luke’s Gospel. The first event that happened was about some religious leaders that asked Jesus “by what authority are you doing these things.” These things refer to Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His cleansing the Temple. This will give us a glimpse at the radical, yet loving Savior.

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Gospel of Luke Part 77 – 15:22-32

We will finish studying the Parable of the Prodigal Son and chapter 15 in this lesson. This will include the father’s response to his prodigal son’s repentance, which had some profound meanings. Then we dig into the elder brother’s reaction to learning that his wayward brother had returned home after living a wild life. The elder brother wasn’t happy that the father put on a celebration for this young rebel. There are some powerful truths to glean from this message.

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Gospel of Luke Part 51 – 9:51-57

As Jesus was passing through Samaria He was rejected by a village. James and John were so angry they wanted Jesus to call down fire on them and consume the entire village. This is an interesting account that exposes the anger and prejudice that can be us and that we must get victory over it. This account leads into the next event where Jesus had a brief conversation with three men. We will only begin looking at this account. There is some good stuff in this study.

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Gospel of Luke Part 31 – 2:40-52 and 6:24

There are two parts to this lesson. The first is finishing Luke chapter 2 where we will look at the only Biblical account of Jesus as a young boy. The second is our returning to Luke chapter 6 where we stopped two months ago to study the Christmas story during the Christmas season. In chapter 6 of Luke we will look at one very challenging verse, which is the 24th where Jesus said, “But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.” Don’t miss this lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 29 – 2:15-30

This is a continuation of the Christmas story. We will finish looking at the shepherds that went to see Jesus. Then we will move on to what happens during the next month after our Savior’s birth. The first event was His circumcision and the second was His dedication in the Temple in Jerusalem along with Mary’s purification. There are some practical principles that come out in this lesson that will help anyone who wants to be a follower of Jesus.

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