In His Presence Ministries

Author name: Glenn Meldrum

Book of Acts Part 49 – 20:33-21:9

This lesson begins by continuing the account of Paul’s visit with the elders of Ephesus. Here we will get a look at the profound love they had for each other. From there the pace picks up as we follow Paul’s journey from Miletus to Caesarea, which was the port city for Jerusalem. There are some wonderful truths that we will dig into in this lesson, so don’t miss it.

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Book of Acts Part 48 – 20:25-32

Paul is spending some time in a neighboring city to meet with the elders of Ephesus. This would be the last time he would see their faces in this life, so it was an emotional visit. Listen to this man of God’s appeal to those church leaders because he was pouring out his heart to give them some final admonishments. This is a good, practical lesson that is also very challenging.

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Book of Acts Part 47 – 20:1-24

Acts chapter 20 opens with Paul leaving Ephesus after Demetrius, a silversmith that manufactured idols, had started a riot in an effort to silence Paul either by death, imprisonment or expulsion from the city. The silversmiths had taken a major decline in their income from the sale of idols because of the revival that swept the city after Paul began preaching the Gospel. After Paul left Ephesus he made his way to Corinth, Greece for a third visit. After this be began heading to Jerusalem, hoping to arrive by the Feast of Pentecost. As we follow Paul’s journey to Jerusalem we see a man who loves Jesus with his entire being and loves people compassionately.

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It is Finished

The last thing Jesus said before He died on the cross was “It is Finished.” This sermon is an examination into what Jesus meant by that statement. It’s a powerful truth that can profoundly impact our lives if we let it. I posted this sermon in place of the regular teaching we have been doing on the Book of Acts because I was ministering in the Netherlands at the time this podcast was released. Hope you enjoy it.

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Book of Acts Part 36 – 14:19-15:3

In this lesson we will study the revival that came to Lystra and the persecution that broke out, where Paul was stoned to death. Some believers gathered around him and he came back to life. Then Paul and Barnabas went to Derbe and the revival spread through that city. The two apostles then traveled to their home church in Antioch, Syria. This was a very exciting time for Paul and Barnabas.

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Book of Acts Part 35 – 13:48-14:18

Paul and Barnabas were forced to move their missionary work to Iconium because of persecution. In that ancient city in Asia Minor revival broke out, but eventually they were forced to leave there because of persecution. From there they went to Lystra and Derbe where the revival spread. In Lystra the Lord healed a man that was born a cripple and had never walked. Zeus was the patron deity of the city and the people thought that Barnabas was Zeus and Paul was Hermes. That made for one exciting meeting to say the least.

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Book of Acts Part 34 – 13:28-48

This is a continuation of the study examining the message Paul preached in a synagogue in Asia Minor. This was a soul stirring, mind shocking sermon that simultaneously produced authentic revival and persecution. This happened in Antioch of Pisidia and this is where a major change came to the missionary work of Paul and Barnabas. Don’t miss this teaching.

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Book of Acts Part 30 – 11:24-12:5

The portion of Scripture we will be looking at will cover a few events. First, we will look at Barnabas, who was used of God to minister in Antioch, Syria. He then seeks after Paul who is in Tarsus and Barnabas takes him to Antioch where they labor together for a year of fruitful ministry. A prophecy was given that famine was coming to Judah and Barnabas and Paul took an offering to those who were suffering. During this time Herod Agrippa murdered James, the brother of John, whom Jesus called the Sons of Thunder. Herod then arrested Peter and put him in prison. A big surprise was coming, for the king didn’t take into account the power of a praying church that would upset all his plans. There are some powerful truths that we will dig into in this lesson, so don’t miss it.

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Book of Acts Part 29 – 10:47-11:23

The repercussions of some Gentiles, or non-Jews, becoming followers of Messiah sent shock waves through Israel and into other nations. Peter went to Jerusalem to give his testimony about how those Gentiles came to Christ without first converting to Judaism. The evidence Peter gave was that they had not only converted to Christ, but had been baptized in the Holy Spirit like the 120 disciples experienced on the Day of Pentecost. What was the evidence that proved they had been baptized in the Holy Spirit? They spoke in other tongues. This is a really interesting lesson.

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Book of Acts Part 28 – 10:36-46

This lesson is about the conversion of Cornelius and all those who were at his house to hear what Peter had to say to them. As Peter was preaching to them they were all baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues. This is an exciting message and shows us what God wants to do today in baptizing people in the Holy Spirit. God is alive and well and He is still doing miracles and baptizing people in the Holy Spirit!

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