In His Presence Ministries


The Vision

A VISION BY GENERAL WILLIAM BOOTH   On one of my recent journeys, as I gazed from the coach window, I was led into a train of thought concerning the conditions of the multitudes around me. They were living carelessly in the most open and shameless rebellion against God, without a thought for their eternal […]

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Desperate for Change

             One of the great truths of the Gospel is that Jesus purchased humanity with His own blood so they could walk triumphantly over the power of sin.  Tragically though, there are many who never overcome habitual sin because they get stuck in a rut of apathy and hopelessness.  The truth is that they

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Jesus, after going up a mountain to pray, “appointed twelve—designating them apostles—THAT THEY MIGHT BE WITH HIM and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons” (Mk. 3:14-15; emphasis mine). The most important point of this passage is that the disciples “MIGHT BE WITH HIM.” No greater

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Radical Christianity

There is a disturbing paradox that most Christians do not know exists or is not willing to address. The problem arises over our claims that we believe in the divine inspiration and infallibility of Scriptures and then question whether Jesus really meant what He said in many of His challenging statements.  Either “All Scripture is

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I fear the United States is hastening towards judgment. Where that line of no return is I do not know, but the nation’s rapid moral and spiritual decline is hurtling us towards that terrifying line at breakneck speed. Only divine intervention can turn us from our self-destructive course. We have forsaken the God which gave

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Get What You Deserve

In 1997 the Lord graciously called my wife and I into the ministry of the evangelist. We live in a motorhome and travel across the nation preaching at churches, camp meetings and conferences. No matter how busy we get there always seems to be a few holes in our schedule. Major holidays are difficult to

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Lovers of Truth

Because I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold, and because I consider all your precepts right, I hate every wrong path Ps. 119:127-128 It takes a passionate love for God and His Word to develop in us the motivating force to “hate every wrong path.” It is God’s will that we

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A Culture of Violence

What a hypocritical nation America has become. We have developed a culture that loves violence while simultaneously condemning it. Violence permeates the very fabric of our nation and the entertainment industry is one of its primary propagators. What hypocrisy! The celebrities that act out the violence Americans are obsessed with often claim to be proponents

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Character Matters

            While in the midst of preaching a series of meetings at a church the pastor came to my motorhome for a visit. He apologized for not coming by earlier but had two marital counseling sessions that took his entire morning. One of the couples had a fight the night before where they physically beat

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Crisis in the Church Series #5 – Revival, God’s Work or Man’s

It does not take great discernment to comprehend that America in general, and the church specifically, has fallen to its lowest spiritual condition in history. Not just that, the church seems powerless to stop America from forsaking her Judeo-Christian roots and plunging deeper into an abyss of wickedness that will bring divine judgment. What makes

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Crisis in the Church Series #6 – Crisis Between the Word and the Spirit

King Solomon wisely told us to avoid all extremes (Ecc. 7:18). This is good commonsense theology. Ah, but how inclined are we to heed such rational advice? Like pendulums we swing from one extreme to the other, all the while believing that our life and faith are relatively in good balance. However, does such reasoning

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Desesperado por Cambiar

Escrito por Glenn Meldrum Traducido por Alfonso Ramírez de El Salvador Una de las grandes verdades del Evangelio es que Jesús compró la humanidad con Su propia sangre para que pudiéramos caminar triunfantes sobre el poder del pecado. Trágicamente, hay muchos que nunca superan el hábito del pecado porque se atascaron en una ruta de

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Everyman’s War

Whether we like it or not, or for that matter, even acknowledge it or not, there is a spiritual war raging all around us at this very moment. This war is no less real then those that nations fight. The implications of natural war are temporal, nations either rise or fall. However, the consequences of

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Fasting Part 2 – Show Me Your Glory by Glenn and Jessica Meldrum

Prayer and fasting are indispensable disciplines that believers must restore to their rightful place in faith and practice. Both of these disciplines are some of the basic expectations that Jesus established for every believer, not just a select few. The motive behind prayer and fasting, though, decides whether or not they are acceptable to God.

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