In His Presence Ministries


Book of Acts Part 30 – 11:24-12:5

The portion of Scripture we will be looking at will cover a few events. First, we will look at Barnabas, who was used of God to minister in Antioch, Syria. He then seeks after Paul who is in Tarsus and Barnabas takes him to Antioch where they labor together for a year of fruitful ministry. A prophecy was given that famine was coming to Judah and Barnabas and Paul took an offering to those who were suffering. During this time Herod Agrippa murdered James, the brother of John, whom Jesus called the Sons of Thunder. Herod then arrested Peter and put him in prison. A big surprise was coming, for the king didn’t take into account the power of a praying church that would upset all his plans. There are some powerful truths that we will dig into in this lesson, so don’t miss it.

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Book of Acts Part 19 – 6:11-7:53

We are still studying the account of the character and martyrdom of Stephen. He was one of the first seven deacons in the church and became the first martyr because of the loving, yet bold witness he made before the very men that condemned Jesus to be crucified. We desperately need churches full of men and women who are like Stephen: full of the Holy Spirit, faith and power.

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Book of Acts Part 17 – 5:36-6:4

In this lesson we will finish studying the second recorded account of persecution that the infant church experienced. We will examine their response to this persecution, which was radical. Then we will begin looking at an important leadership issue that’s recorded at the beginning of Acts chapter six. This deals with the sin of prejudice that crept into the church. The message of this lesson is vitally important for believers today.

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Book of Acts Part 15 – 5:1-18

Two vastly different topics are the focus of this lesson that comes out of The Book of Acts, chapter 5. The first topic is the severe discipline that came upon two disciples and the second is the persecution that broke out against the apostles for all the miracles the Lord was using them to perform. These miracles
took place in the Temple and around Jerusalem. Interesting podcast to say the least.

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Gospel of Luke Part 91 – 19:28-48

We are now at the point where Christ’s ministry changes from ministering to the people outside of Jerusalem to the final days of His life where He ministers in Jerusalem. The two events we will examine are His triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His cleansing of the Temple by driving out those who were getting rich off the faith by exploiting the people. This is a good lesson.

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Ephesians 4:9-11 Part 30

Verses nine through eleven of the forth chapter of Ephesians are three very challenging verses. They focus upon two subjects. First, what did Paul mean that Jesus descended and then ascended. Second, what is the fivefold ministry? If you haven’t subscribed to this weekly podcast then you can do it for free through iTunes, Google Play Music, Blubrry, Spotify, Stitcher and Tunein. So don’t miss a single lesson.

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James 1:16-19 Part 5

James 1:16-19 are the verses we will dig into in this lesson. James presents some powerful truths that are extremely helpful in our day and age. He warns us to not be deceived by claiming that God isn’t good, when only a rudimentary examination of the Scriptures will reveal that He is good. Then James will begin discussing the topic of good communication and this will be very challenging.

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James 1:13-16 Part 4

James 1:13-16 are the focus of part four in our study of this powerful epistle. We will study in this episode a few of God’s attributes that when misunderstood causes people to be angry at Him. We will also dig into the spiritual truths about temptation and the importance of this subject should be self-evident. This message will be a tremendous help to you if you have ears to hear.

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James 1:1-4 Part 1

Our new study is on the Epistle of James. The first half of the lesson is an introduction to the book, while the second half digs into the first four verses. James immediately begins his letter in the fiery manner that is keeping with his writing style. He is a very practical preacher and the first thing he does is to declare the divinity of Christ. He then goes on to encourage us to have joy in the midst of our trials.

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The Gospel of John Part 70 – 7 last sayings of Jesus Pt. 2

In today’s lesson we will accomplish two things. First, we will finish studying the seven last sayings of Jesus from the cross and will mainly focus upon the seventh which is, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Second, we will finish studying John chapter 19:31-42. In these verses we will see Jesus pierced with a Roman spear to prove He was dead and to fulfill prophecy. Then we will see two members of the Sanhedrin Council that condemned Jesus actually burying of Him in a very respectful manner.

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The Gospel of John Part 67 – Jn. 19:10-25

John 19:10-25 focus upon the final events of Jesus trial before Pilate and His being crucified. In John’s account of Christ’s crucifixion he isn’t trying to repeat everything the other Gospels teach, but is supplementing the account so that putting them all together we have a full picture of what happened. The truths we learn in this portion of Scripture are a necessary part of what true followers of Jesus must know.

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The Gospel of John Part 66 – Jn. 19:1-9

John 18:1-9 are the verses we are studying in this podcast. We will look at Christ’s scourging and a portion of His trial before Pilate. I think what Pilate said to the crowd is a very good summery of this lesson. He said, “Behold the man” and that is what we will do in this study. We will look at Jesus and a portion of His suffering as He is on His way to Calvary for our sake and salvation.

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