In His Presence Ministries


Book of Acts Part 36 – 14:19-15:3

In this lesson we will study the revival that came to Lystra and the persecution that broke out, where Paul was stoned to death. Some believers gathered around him and he came back to life. Then Paul and Barnabas went to Derbe and the revival spread through that city. The two apostles then traveled to their home church in Antioch, Syria. This was a very exciting time for Paul and Barnabas.

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Book of Acts Part 35 – 13:48-14:18

Paul and Barnabas were forced to move their missionary work to Iconium because of persecution. In that ancient city in Asia Minor revival broke out, but eventually they were forced to leave there because of persecution. From there they went to Lystra and Derbe where the revival spread. In Lystra the Lord healed a man that was born a cripple and had never walked. Zeus was the patron deity of the city and the people thought that Barnabas was Zeus and Paul was Hermes. That made for one exciting meeting to say the least.

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Book of Acts Part 18 – 6:5-10

The final verses involved in choosing the first deacons is one point we will focus on in this podcast. This leads into the account of Stephen, who was one of those first deacons, and his life, testimony and martyrdom. We will only have time to dig into the opening thoughts of this account and the catalyst that led to his murder. This is a much needed message today.

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Book of Acts Part 12 – 3:15-26

We are going to get into the nitty-gritty of Peter’s sermon after Peter and John were used by God to heal a man who was born lame and was over 40 years old. This remarkable miracle opened the door for Peter to deliver his fiery sermon that brought some of the people to repentance and salvation, while others were filled with anger so that they persecuted Peter and John.

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Book of Acts Part 6 – 2:14-24

Peter’s first sermon after Jesus rose again is the subject of this lesson. This happened on the Day of Pentecost and the first thing he did was to explain what happened with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Then he told the large crowd what Jesus did for them and then exposed their guilt so that they might come to repentance. This is a great sermon to study.

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Book of Acts Part 1 – Introduction

We are beginning a new study from the New Testament – The Book of Acts. This lesson is the introduction to Acts and its author. There is a lot of interesting information that will help us understand this very important historical book that reveals the life of the early church. But Acts is much more than an excellent history book, it’s also an account of the work of the Holy Spirit in birthing and growing the early church. This is a great lesson that’s a good beginning to a soul stirring study.

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Gospel of Luke Part 92 – 20:1-9

In the opening of this lesson we will look at what Jesus meant by a “house of prayer.” Then we will begin digging into chapter 20 of Luke’s Gospel. The first event that happened was about some religious leaders that asked Jesus “by what authority are you doing these things.” These things refer to Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His cleansing the Temple. This will give us a glimpse at the radical, yet loving Savior.

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Gospel of Luke Part 45 – 9:4-17

The topics of this lesson has to do with what Jesus taught the 12 apostles before He sent them out to minister and what happens after they return. Jesus wanted time to be alone with His disciples to prepare them for the time when He would be taken from them. He also had another agenda, which was to draw 20,000 people into the wilderness near Bethsaida so He could miraculously feed them. Here was another event where Jesus proved His divinity.

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