In His Presence Ministries


First Peter Part 22 – 3:10-14

Verses ten through twelve of First Peter chapter three are the focus of today’s podcast. We will see how Peter moves us from specific commands that relate to husbands and wives on to general commands that have to do with Christian character, which then leads us into the subject of persecution and suffering. This message will stir your soul and challenge your mind.

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First Peter Part 21 – 3:8-9

Our lesson today comes out of First Peter 3:8-9. In these two verses Peter gives some very practical teaching on how to have a good marriage and a wonderful church. These are down to earth, real life things that we can live out through God’s grace that can make a tremendous difference in our homes and churches. But if we fail to live them out there are dire consequences. Do not miss this lesson, it may contain some truths that could change your life and family.

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First Peter Part 20 – 3:7

Today we will study what Peter has to say to husbands which is found in First Peter 3:7. This is a very challenging message for men and husbands. It is also a very necessary one so that men can be the loving husbands the Lord commands them to be. There are some challenging truths presented for women as well so don’t runaway to get another latte until you have listened to this podcast.

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First Peter Part 19 – 3:1-6

First Peter 3:1-6 are the verses we will study in today’s lesson. In these verses Peter will address some very important issues about godly womanhood in general and specifically on godly wives. The importance of what Peter is writing about cannot be overestimated because how the character of women and wives profoundly affect a marriage and children. This message is very challenging for women because it focuses upon them and their needs. But men need to hear this message so they can grow in understanding of how to meet the needs of their wives.

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