In His Presence Ministries


Desperate for Change

             One of the great truths of the Gospel is that Jesus purchased humanity with His own blood so they could walk triumphantly over the power of sin.  Tragically though, there are many who never overcome habitual sin because they get stuck in a rut of apathy and hopelessness.  The truth is that they […]

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Jesus, after going up a mountain to pray, “appointed twelve—designating them apostles—THAT THEY MIGHT BE WITH HIM and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons” (Mk. 3:14-15; emphasis mine). The most important point of this passage is that the disciples “MIGHT BE WITH HIM.” No greater

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Radical Christianity

There is a disturbing paradox that most Christians do not know exists or is not willing to address. The problem arises over our claims that we believe in the divine inspiration and infallibility of Scriptures and then question whether Jesus really meant what He said in many of His challenging statements.  Either “All Scripture is

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I fear the United States is hastening towards judgment. Where that line of no return is I do not know, but the nation’s rapid moral and spiritual decline is hurtling us towards that terrifying line at breakneck speed. Only divine intervention can turn us from our self-destructive course. We have forsaken the God which gave

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Get What You Deserve

In 1997 the Lord graciously called my wife and I into the ministry of the evangelist. We live in a motorhome and travel across the nation preaching at churches, camp meetings and conferences. No matter how busy we get there always seems to be a few holes in our schedule. Major holidays are difficult to

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Lovers of Truth

Because I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold, and because I consider all your precepts right, I hate every wrong path Ps. 119:127-128 It takes a passionate love for God and His Word to develop in us the motivating force to “hate every wrong path.” It is God’s will that we

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Life of the Early Church Part 5

The Life of the Early Church is a study examining what caused those early saints to see the power of the Holy Spirit poured out as described in the book of Acts. God is not a respecter of persons. If He poured out Pentecostal power 2000 years ago in ancient Israel then He can do it now if we will meet the conditions of revival that God’s Word clearly reveals. In this episode we will learn about how those early believers were devoted to God, and as a result, to each other. May God do this in our time.

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A Presence Driven Church Part 1

This podcast on “A Presence Driven Church” is a vital subject that needs to be addressed in our present religious environment. How can the people of God faithfully live out the what it means to be the “Church” if we do not know what the “Church” is supposed to be? In this series we will examine what the church is to be and how she is to fulfill her reason-for-being. You will be deeply stirred by this message.

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Prepare the Way Part 3

In this final part of the series “Prepare the Way” Glenn will further demonstrate the similarities in how the church is to prepare for revival and how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus to come to Israel. What it means to straighten out the crooked ways and smooth out the rough ways will be examined. The the ultimate purpose of revival will be discussed. You will be challenged and blessed by this podcast.

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Prepare the Way Part 2

Part 2 of “Prepare the Way” is the continuation of Glenn’s teaching on the Scriptural correlation between John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus to come to Israel and how the church is to prepare the way for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Revival is never a time and chance event, but is always the result of purposeful preparation. In this podcast the prophetic ideas spoken about in Isaiah 40:1-5 of tearing down mountains and filling in valleys will be examined. This practical teaching on the Christian life and revival is sure to bless your life.

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Prepare the Way Part 1

Preparation always precedes revival. In this three week study on preparing the way for revival we will study John the Baptist and the prophecy about this man of God that comes out of Isaiah 40:1-5. There are many practical applications on how this prophecy is able to be applied to our present need to prepare the way for the Holy Spirit to fall in our lives and a local congregation.

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Revival Part 9 – The Cross and Revival

If believers really want revival then they must be careful that the message of the cross is central to the preaching and life of the church. A simple examination of church history will reveal that whenever revival was poured out that Jesus and the cross was the consuming subject. Remove the message of the cross and you have something other than authentic revival. In this podcast you will learn the importance of the preaching of the cross in revival and get a fresh glimpse of the Precious Savior who was crucified for us.

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Revival Part 8 – Holiness and Revival

Today in The Radical Truth we will tackle the subject of holiness and revival. Authentic revival is always a revival of holiness. Why? Because the God of revival who is holy, stoops down to reveal His holiness to sinful man. Through the manifest presence of God we come to know the true nature of sin and the only remedy for it—a crucified and resurrected Savior. We will examine the profound subject of what God’s holiness is and what it means to mankind.

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Revival Part 7 – 2 Chronicles 7:14 – Forgive and Heal the Land

For this last episode in our study on 2 Chronicles 7:14 we will examine what it means for God to forgive our sins and heal our land. The spiritual and eternal condition of our families, communities, nation and world depends on whether or not true believers will fulfill the conditions of this covenant promise of revival. Without revival our loved ones perish and multitudes rush blindly on to hell. We cannot be passive with such an important subject; too much is at stake.

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Revival Part 6 – 2 Chronicles 7:14 – The Lord Declares, “Then I Will”

In this week’s episode of The Radical Truth, we will continue our study on 2 Chronicles 7:14. The subject that will be addressed is God’s response when people take the path of repentance. The Lord’s wonderful declaration, “Then I will” speaks of what to expect when we grow desperate enough to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways. God is not slow in keeping His promises when we fulfill our part of His covenants.

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Revival Part 5 – 2 Chronicles 7:14 – If My People Will Turn

During this episode of The Radical Truth we will learn about the path of repentance that is outlined in 2 Chronicles 7:14. This covenant promise of revival is as true as the God that gave it. The Lord is faithful to fulfill all of His covenant promises when we fulfill our part. There is a reason we are not seeing revival and at the root of the problem is our refusal to take the path of repentance. Listen to this podcast on your knees; God just might do a shaking in your life.

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A Culture of Violence

What a hypocritical nation America has become. We have developed a culture that loves violence while simultaneously condemning it. Violence permeates the very fabric of our nation and the entertainment industry is one of its primary propagators. What hypocrisy! The celebrities that act out the violence Americans are obsessed with often claim to be proponents

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Revival Part 2 – The Work of the Holy Spirit in Revival

The work of the Holy Spirit in authentic revival will be the subject of Episode two of The Radical Truth. There will never be genuine revival without the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. That is why God calls the church to be presence driven, never purpose driven. The Spirit can accomplish more in one moment then what the church could achieve in a millennium. All the church programs and church growth teachings combined cannot come close to the work of the Holy Spirit.

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