In His Presence Ministries

Spiritual Life

Book of Acts Part 49 – 20:33-21:9

This lesson begins by continuing the account of Paul’s visit with the elders of Ephesus. Here we will get a look at the profound love they had for each other. From there the pace picks up as we follow Paul’s journey from Miletus to Caesarea, which was the port city for Jerusalem. There are some wonderful truths that we will dig into in this lesson, so don’t miss it.

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Book of Acts Part 22 – 8:18-27

Simon the sorcerer is the topic of this lesson. He was a man that had great demonic power, but when he saw the signs and wonders the Lord was doing through Philip, he got saved and baptized in water. When Peter and John went to Samaria to help Philip with the revival, Peter rebuked Simon for wanting to buy the gift of God. This is a very interesting message.

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Book of Acts Part 6 – 2:14-24

Peter’s first sermon after Jesus rose again is the subject of this lesson. This happened on the Day of Pentecost and the first thing he did was to explain what happened with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Then he told the large crowd what Jesus did for them and then exposed their guilt so that they might come to repentance. This is a great sermon to study.

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Book of Acts Part 3 – 1:10-17

This lesson picks up with Christ’s ascension into heaven when over 500 people witnessed this astounding sight. Two angels suddenly appeared to give the disciples an important message–Jesus is coming back. As real as was His ascension, so will be His second coming. Then the disciples obeyed our Lord’s final command before He ascended and went into Jerusalem to tarry until they received the promised Baptism in the Holy Spirit. This is a soul-stirring lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 107 – 24:32-53

We now come to the final lesson from the Gospel of Luke. This is about Christ resurrection, ascension and sending out His followers to make disciples of all nations. Jesus told those disciples to first go into Jerusalem and pray until the power of the Holy Spirit fills them and that’s where this Gospel ends, and the Book of Acts picks up. Guess what next book of the New Testament that we will study next?

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Gospel of Luke Part 64 – 12:4-10

This lesson begins with Jesus teaching the disciples to not fear those who can kill the body, but to fear God who after killing the body can cast the person into hell. Central to this thought is our need to love Jesus more than ourselves. This is necessary if we are going to live out the Biblical faith. From this subject Jesus moves on to teach what is often called the unforgiveable sin. You need to listen to this podcast to learn what that sin really is.

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Gospel of Luke Part 51 – 9:51-57

As Jesus was passing through Samaria He was rejected by a village. James and John were so angry they wanted Jesus to call down fire on them and consume the entire village. This is an interesting account that exposes the anger and prejudice that can be us and that we must get victory over it. This account leads into the next event where Jesus had a brief conversation with three men. We will only begin looking at this account. There is some good stuff in this study.

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Gospel of Luke Part 26 – 1:34-55

This lesson continues to examine the Christmas story according to Luke. We begin by studying Mary’s response to the angel Gabriel and her visit to her cousin Elizabeth. We will then look at what happens when these two women of God meet and how the Lord is glorified through it. There is a lot of good and exciting theology in this lesson, along with the hope of Christ coming into the world.

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Gospel of Luke Part 5 – 3:4-5

In this lesson we will begin examining the message of John the Baptizer. His message is summarized in Isaiah 40 that is a prophesy about the one who would prepare the way for Messiah. Luke quotes this prophesy in chapter three, verses three through six. The prize of this prophesy is the promise that if we will prepare the way, then God will to come to us and we can freely go to Him. What it means to prepare the way is an important part of this stirring lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 4 – 2:51-3:4

In verses 51 and 52 of the second chapter of Luke we will study such subjects as why Jesus was called a Nazarene and what it means that Mary “treasured all these things in her heart.” Then in the first two verses of chapter three we will examine the introduction to John the Baptist’s ministry. In verses three and four we will learn why John the Baptizer was so important to preparing the way for Jesus to become our atoning sacrifice.

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