In His Presence Ministries

Real Christianity

Book of Acts Part 18 – 6:5-10

The final verses involved in choosing the first deacons is one point we will focus on in this podcast. This leads into the account of Stephen, who was one of those first deacons, and his life, testimony and martyrdom. We will only have time to dig into the opening thoughts of this account and the catalyst that led to his murder. This is a much needed message today.

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Book of Acts Part 1 – Introduction

We are beginning a new study from the New Testament – The Book of Acts. This lesson is the introduction to Acts and its author. There is a lot of interesting information that will help us understand this very important historical book that reveals the life of the early church. But Acts is much more than an excellent history book, it’s also an account of the work of the Holy Spirit in birthing and growing the early church. This is a great lesson that’s a good beginning to a soul stirring study.

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James 2:1-4 Part 9

James 2:1-4 are the verses we will study in this lesson. The subject is on favoritism and we will see some of the ways this is played out in the church today. The principle reason why we are not to show favoritism is because we are called to be Christlike and Jesus never showed favoritism. This podcast has some very challenging thoughts so grab your Bible and a cup of coffee and give a listen.

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The Gospel of John Part 71 – Jn. 20:1-18

This lesson on Jn. 20:1-18 are the beginning verses on Christ’s resurrection from the dead. The first disciples Jesus showed Himself to were women and we will look at the reasons for this and what this means for us today. We will also see the basic timeline of the events concerning His resurrection. This is an encouraging and convicting message that you don’t want to miss.

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The Gospel of John Part 37 – Jn. 12:1-11

In our continuing study of the Gospel of John we will dig into the story of Mary anointing Jesus with pure spikenard. The account is found in John 12:1-8 and is one of the most wonderful expressions of worship in the Bible. Mary’s extravagant devotion is an example to inspire anyone that wants to be a true follower of Jesus. This study is sure to challenge your faith and devotion to Jesus.

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The Gospel of John Part 27 – Jn. 8:25-36

The topic of today’s podcast will be Jesus’ famous statements that are found in the eighth chapter John, verses 32 and 36. These verses address the miracle of the freedom that Jesus gives to all of those who are His true followers. We will be studying verses 25 through 36 but the highlight of this message is that whosoever the Son sets free is free indeed.

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The Gospel of John Part 14 – Jn. 4:25-42

This is part two of the story about the woman at the well that is found in chapter four of the Gospel of John. We will be studying verses 25-42 where we will see the Samaritan woman be shocked by Jesus’ bold confession that He was the long anticipated Messiah. By reaching out to one woman Jesus was able to reach a whole town as authentic revival swept through the area. We will also deal with some very radical teaching Jesus presents to His disciples that takes place in the middle of His ministry to the Samaritans. This message will definitely stir you.

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The Gospel of John Part 9 – Jn. 3:1-3

John chapter three verses one through three are the focus of this study. We will meet Nicodemus and begin listening to the dialog between this prominent Pharisee and Jesus. The main topic of this lesson is on what it means to be born again. We will look at the radical nature of Christ’s teaching on this all important issue. If you want to make heaven your home then you do not want to miss this podcast.

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The Gospel of John Part 6 – Jn. 1:35-51

In today’s lesson we will study the remainder of the first chapter of the Gospel of John. Verses 35-39 are about two of John the Baptist’s disciples that end up following Jesus. In verses 40 to 51 we will see how Simon, Philip and Nathanael came to follow Jesus. There are some wonderful truths that can be gleaned from this portion of Scripture so don’t miss it.

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The Gospel of John Part 5 – Jn. 1:15-34

In this podcast we will study Jn. 1:15-34. A couple of the topics we will look at has to do with John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus and about himself. We will close out this lesson by bringing some practical application and this is always important. It is one thing to teach what God’s Word says and another to see how it applies to our lives in the world in which we live. So take a listen and grow. You will not be disappointed.

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The Gospel of John Part 1 – Introduction

Today we are beginning a new series on the Gospel of John. The content of the first lesson in this series is the introduction to the Gospel. Though today’s study is not earthshaking or soul-inspiring it is very interesting and you will enjoy it. We will examine who wrote the book, when it was written, to whom it was written and why it was written. All this lays a foundation for what we will be studying in the weeks and months to come so don’t miss it.

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