In His Presence Ministries


It is Finished

The last thing Jesus said before He died on the cross was “It is Finished.” This sermon is an examination into what Jesus meant by that statement. It’s a powerful truth that can profoundly impact our lives if we let it. I posted this sermon in place of the regular teaching we have been doing on the Book of Acts because I was ministering in the Netherlands at the time this podcast was released. Hope you enjoy it.

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Gospel of Luke Part 75 – 14:35-15:13

We turn our attention to Luke 15 in this lesson. In this chapter are three parables and we will look at the first two–The Lost Sheep and The Lost Coin.
These pave the way for longer parable of The Prodigal Son. We will only have time to begin looking at this third parable before the podcast ends. We will continue digging into the parable of The Prodigal Son in our next lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 68 – 12:43-53

As we are nearing the end of our study in Luke chapter 12, Jesus warns us that there is a day of judgment. He did this out of love; for true love warns of the dangers we face. The Lord goes on to talk about His coming suffering and of the radical nature of the true faith. Jesus said in verse 49, “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” This is the heart of God for His people, so it would be good for us to learn what this means. Don’t miss this lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 20 – 5:27-39

The account of Matthew’s call to discipleship and conversion is the subject of this lesson. This is a wonderful expression of true salvation coming to a man that lived an ungodly life. You will be encouraged by this podcast. You can subscribe for free to this podcast through iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Tunein and Blubrry, just to name a few.

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Gospel of Luke Part 5 – 3:4-5

In this lesson we will begin examining the message of John the Baptizer. His message is summarized in Isaiah 40 that is a prophesy about the one who would prepare the way for Messiah. Luke quotes this prophesy in chapter three, verses three through six. The prize of this prophesy is the promise that if we will prepare the way, then God will to come to us and we can freely go to Him. What it means to prepare the way is an important part of this stirring lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 2 – 1:1-4; 2:40

In part two of our new series on the Gospel of Luke we will dig into a couple of more introductory ideas about the author and the book. Then we will examine the first four verses that are an introduction to the work that addressed to a Roman government official. We will then jump over to the second chapter and study verse 40. We are skipping the story of Christ’s birth so that we can return to it as we get near the Christmas season.

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First John 3:13-16 Part 20

In this lesson the apostle John makes a strong contrast between those who are followers of Jesus and those who are not. The distinction between the two relate to those who live in and through God’s love and those who do not. This is a challenging message that can help every true believer walk nearer to Jesus and help those who are not one of Christ’s disciples to become one.

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