In His Presence Ministries


Book of Acts Part 15 – 5:1-18

Two vastly different topics are the focus of this lesson that comes out of The Book of Acts, chapter 5. The first topic is the severe discipline that came upon two disciples and the second is the persecution that broke out against the apostles for all the miracles the Lord was using them to perform. These miracles
took place in the Temple and around Jerusalem. Interesting podcast to say the least.

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Gospel of Luke Part 102 – 22:61-23:12

This lesson begins with Peter’s terrible grief over denying Jesus and then goes on to Christ’s shame trial by the religious Jewish leaders. The Lord then ends up before Pilate, the governor of Judea, followed by a visit to Herod, who was the ruler of Galilee. There are some powerful truths that are addressed in this lesson, so don’t miss it.

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Gospel of Luke Part 99 – 22:17-27

The Lord’s Supper or Communion is part of what we will study in this lesson. After Jesus broke the bread and passed to the disciples He shared with them the suffering that would shortly come upon Him. Yet right after this the disciples began a debate over who would be greatest in Christ’s Kingdom. This is a very interesting lesson, so don’t miss it.

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Gospel of Luke Part 93 – 20:10-26

There are two parts of this portion of Luke’s Gospel that we will study in this lesson. The first is The Parable of the Tenants. Through this parable Jesus exposed the wicked schemes of the religious elite and how they would kill Him. The second is the continuation of Jesus confronting these hypocrites after they tried to trap Jesus. How Jesus responded to their attacks was simple, yet profound. This is a very interesting lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 92 – 20:1-9

In the opening of this lesson we will look at what Jesus meant by a “house of prayer.” Then we will begin digging into chapter 20 of Luke’s Gospel. The first event that happened was about some religious leaders that asked Jesus “by what authority are you doing these things.” These things refer to Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His cleansing the Temple. This will give us a glimpse at the radical, yet loving Savior.

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Gospel of Luke Part 90 – 19:12-27

We find Jesus still in the home of Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector. Zac had repented of his sin and vowed to give half of his wealth to the poor. After this Jesus gave The Parable of the Ten Minas, which is what we will study in this lesson. This parable contains some important truths that are essential to all those who want to make heaven their eternal home.

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Gospel of Luke Part 79 – 16:13-21

Jesus is preaching at the self-righteous Pharisees who had been mocking Him. He did this out of genuine love for them that they might repent and be saved. The Lord brings out some powerful truths that will stir your soul and challenge your mind. At the end of the lesson we will begin looking at the account of Lazarus and the rich man, their death and judgment.

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Gospel of Luke Part 78 – 16:1-13

We are beginning Luke chapter 16. It starts with the Parable of the Unjust Steward that’s a challenging parable to understand. Yet if we pay close attention to what Jesus is teaching, and how it relates to the parable, all of a sudden it becomes easier to understand. What Jesus is teaching here is very radical so don’t miss this lesson and the good it can do you.

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