In His Presence Ministries

Holy Fire

Holy Fire Part 5

Prayers that are answered by holy fire and prayers that are alive with holy fire is the subject of today’s podcast. In this continuing study on Holy Fire we will learn a little more about the all-important subject of prayer. No one in this life graduates from Christ’s school of prayer. So pick up your text book–the Bible–and some paper and pen to jot down a few notes and come to today’s class. Don’t worry, I will not give a pop quiz. I cannot promise that the Lord will not.

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Holy Fire Part 3

There are some very difficult subjects that the Bible addresses. Today, in our continuing study on Holy Fire, we will delve into one of these difficult subjects–judgment. We will see holy God’s holy fire is used as an instrument of judgment. Though this is a challenging study, it will be very benifical to learn a little more about our God that is a consuming fire.

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Holy Fire Part 2

In part two of this study on Holy Fire you will learn about God’s self-disclosure as a He revealed Himself through a burning bush, a pillar of fire and through tongues of fire. The God that is a consuming fire wants to consume anyone with His loving, holy fire that will come to Him with all their heart. The purifying fire of God will set ablaze those who passionately pursue Him.

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Holy Fire Part 1

Today we begin a new study titled Holy Fire. “Fire” is a common idea that flows through much of the church in song, prayer and thought. But what does it mean? When we sing and pray to have the fire what are we really asking God to do for us? This teaching will examine the Biblical idea of fire so that when we pray and sing about it we know what we are really asking for. May God grant our petitions and give us the Holy Spirit and fire.

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