In His Presence Ministries

Create in Me – Psalm 51

Create in Me Part 10

In this podcast we will examine verses 13-17 of Ps. 51. In these verses we will see some very practical expressions of what it means to be thankful for the forgiveness Jesus offers those who truly repent and surrender their life to Him. When we are thankful for our salvation there will always be outward expressions of our gratitude. So make sure you listen and learn what they are.

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Create in Me Part 9

Today we will look at verses twelve and thirteen of Ps. 51. In verse twelve we will examine David’s plea that the Lord would restore the joy found in true salvation and that He would give the king a willing spirit to follow hard after God. Then in verse thirteen we will begin studying this third and final section of the psalm where David expresses his gratitude for the mercy and forgiveness the Lord gave the repentant king. This is a good study well worth a half hour of your time.

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Create in Me Part 6

Psalm 51 verses six and seven are the passages of Scripture we will study today. In these two verses we will examine David’s passionate cry for the Lord to cleanse him from his sin and restore the joy that he once had when he walked near to the Lord. While in his backslidden condition he experienced the crushing weight of sin. So he cried, “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation.” This lesson will challenge you.

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Create in Me Part 5

Today in our study on Psalm 51 we will look at verse six. King David is addressing the need for truth to define our inward life. This is a very profound thought that is extremely important for us to understand in this day and age filled with the constant stimulation that comes through all the various forms of media and the information highway. It is vital that you listen to this message.

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Create in Me Part 4

Today we will study verses four and five of Psalm 51. This is a truly passionate poem that was originally put to music by King David. In these two verses we will see a little more clearly the nature of sin and the justice of divine wrath. We will also dig into the doctrine of original sin and see how that plays our in our own lives. You don’t want to miss this one for sure.

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Create in Me Part 3

In today’s lesson on Ps. 51 we will study verses 2-4. We are still in the first section of the psalm where King David acknowledges and confesses his sin. One very important subject is found in a question I asked, “What is sin”. If we do not know what sin is according to God’s definition of it then we will never be able to overcome it. This is a very practical teaching that is sure to benefit everyone who will listen, so don’t miss it.

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Create in Me Part 2

Today we will dig into verse one of Psalm 51 and also briefly touch on verse two. We will see King David’s powerful cry for mercy which came about after he committed adultery and murder. It is of tremendous value for us to understand what is in this psalm. The practical truths David speaks about are relevant for all those who truly want to walk near to God and overcome their sin.

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Create in Me Part 1

In today’s podcast we will start a new lesson, which is on Psalms 51. This powerful psalm came out of King David’s repentance over the adultery and murder he committed. Today we will dig into the historical setting so that we can have a better understanding of the psalm when we directly get into it next week. This study is very interesting and is sure to provoke some serious thought, so don’t miss it.

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