I am blown away at the depth and the amount of valuable truth in this message. There is more meat in this 30 minute message than in a month of average sermons. Thank you Glenn, , will you ever be preaching in Florida in the future? If so I want to be there.
Dennis G
Dennis, thank you for your kind review. All I am trying to do is preach the truth, plain and simple. It has been a few years since I have ministered in Florida. All it takes for me to get there is to be invited by a church. Keep listening to the podcast and please tell others about it. I just want to get God’s Word out. If you have not visited my web site it is https://www.ihpministry.com.
I am blown away at the depth and the amount of valuable truth in this message. There is more meat in this 30 minute message than in a month of average sermons. Thank you Glenn, , will you ever be preaching in Florida in the future? If so I want to be there.
Dennis G
Dennis, thank you for your kind review. All I am trying to do is preach the truth, plain and simple. It has been a few years since I have ministered in Florida. All it takes for me to get there is to be invited by a church. Keep listening to the podcast and please tell others about it. I just want to get God’s Word out. If you have not visited my web site it is https://www.ihpministry.com.