In His Presence Ministries


Book of Acts Part 36 – 14:19-15:3

In this lesson we will study the revival that came to Lystra and the persecution that broke out, where Paul was stoned to death. Some believers gathered around him and he came back to life. Then Paul and Barnabas went to Derbe and the revival spread through that city. The two apostles then traveled to their home church in Antioch, Syria. This was a very exciting time for Paul and Barnabas.

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Book of Acts Part 35 – 13:48-14:18

Paul and Barnabas were forced to move their missionary work to Iconium because of persecution. In that ancient city in Asia Minor revival broke out, but eventually they were forced to leave there because of persecution. From there they went to Lystra and Derbe where the revival spread. In Lystra the Lord healed a man that was born a cripple and had never walked. Zeus was the patron deity of the city and the people thought that Barnabas was Zeus and Paul was Hermes. That made for one exciting meeting to say the least.

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Book of Acts Part 34 – 13:28-48

This is a continuation of the study examining the message Paul preached in a synagogue in Asia Minor. This was a soul stirring, mind shocking sermon that simultaneously produced authentic revival and persecution. This happened in Antioch of Pisidia and this is where a major change came to the missionary work of Paul and Barnabas. Don’t miss this teaching.

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Book of Acts Part 29 – 10:47-11:23

The repercussions of some Gentiles, or non-Jews, becoming followers of Messiah sent shock waves through Israel and into other nations. Peter went to Jerusalem to give his testimony about how those Gentiles came to Christ without first converting to Judaism. The evidence Peter gave was that they had not only converted to Christ, but had been baptized in the Holy Spirit like the 120 disciples experienced on the Day of Pentecost. What was the evidence that proved they had been baptized in the Holy Spirit? They spoke in other tongues. This is a really interesting lesson.

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Book of Acts Part 22 – 8:18-27

Simon the sorcerer is the topic of this lesson. He was a man that had great demonic power, but when he saw the signs and wonders the Lord was doing through Philip, he got saved and baptized in water. When Peter and John went to Samaria to help Philip with the revival, Peter rebuked Simon for wanting to buy the gift of God. This is a very interesting message.

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Gospel of Luke Part 91 – 19:28-48

We are now at the point where Christ’s ministry changes from ministering to the people outside of Jerusalem to the final days of His life where He ministers in Jerusalem. The two events we will examine are His triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His cleansing of the Temple by driving out those who were getting rich off the faith by exploiting the people. This is a good lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 6 – 3:5-7

In this lesson we will finish studying the prophesy that Luke quotes from Isaiah 40 that was fulfilled in John the Baptist. There is a second way this prophesy is fulfilled and that is for God’s people to put into action what the prophesy teaches. We also started looking at the beginning of John’s sermon and it was a fiery one that’s worth knowing and understanding. Enjoy!

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Gospel of Luke Part 4 – 2:51-3:4

In verses 51 and 52 of the second chapter of Luke we will study such subjects as why Jesus was called a Nazarene and what it means that Mary “treasured all these things in her heart.” Then in the first two verses of chapter three we will examine the introduction to John the Baptist’s ministry. In verses three and four we will learn why John the Baptizer was so important to preparing the way for Jesus to become our atoning sacrifice.

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The Gospel of John Part 74 – Jn. 21:1-14

Verses 1-14 of the 21st chapter of John is the portion of Scripture we will study in this podcast. What we see here is John’s final account of Jesus appearing to some of the apostles before He ascends to the Father. This is a wonderful portion of the Word that deals with some interesting truths. We also see here the Lord’s desire for the disciples to fellowship with Him, which is the greatest privilege given to mankind.

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The Gospel of John Part 52 – Jn. 14:18-24

In our continuing study on the Gospel of John we will examine verses 18-24 of the fourteenth chapter. Central to these verses is the wonderful promise Jesus first gave those early disciples and now us, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” It is of great value to learn what Jesus was teaching about this promise and how it applies to our lives, so don’t miss this lesson.

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The Gospel of John Part 44 – Jn. 12:33-41

In this lesson we will look a little deeper at what Jesus meant in Jn. 12:32, “But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” We will then move on to the following points of chapter 12 and close with John’s very interesting claim that Jesus is the One who sat on the throne in the vision Isaiah had that is found in the sixth chapter of the book that bears his name. This is a very interesting study so make sure you listen to this one.

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The Gospel of John Part 38 – Jn. 12:12-22

As we dig deeper into chapter 12 of John’s Gospel we will see the great impact that came out of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. We will then look at Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and then close out the lesson by looking at some Greeks that wanted to meet with Jesus. There are some very interesting and challenging truths that we will study in this podcast so don’t miss it.

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