In His Presence Ministries


Book of Acts Part 29 – 10:47-11:23

The repercussions of some Gentiles, or non-Jews, becoming followers of Messiah sent shock waves through Israel and into other nations. Peter went to Jerusalem to give his testimony about how those Gentiles came to Christ without first converting to Judaism. The evidence Peter gave was that they had not only converted to Christ, but had been baptized in the Holy Spirit like the 120 disciples experienced on the Day of Pentecost. What was the evidence that proved they had been baptized in the Holy Spirit? They spoke in other tongues. This is a really interesting lesson.

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Book of Acts Part 28 – 10:36-46

This lesson is about the conversion of Cornelius and all those who were at his house to hear what Peter had to say to them. As Peter was preaching to them they were all baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues. This is an exciting message and shows us what God wants to do today in baptizing people in the Holy Spirit. God is alive and well and He is still doing miracles and baptizing people in the Holy Spirit!

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Book of Acts Part 12 – 3:15-26

We are going to get into the nitty-gritty of Peter’s sermon after Peter and John were used by God to heal a man who was born lame and was over 40 years old. This remarkable miracle opened the door for Peter to deliver his fiery sermon that brought some of the people to repentance and salvation, while others were filled with anger so that they persecuted Peter and John.

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Book of Acts Part 3 – 1:10-17

This lesson picks up with Christ’s ascension into heaven when over 500 people witnessed this astounding sight. Two angels suddenly appeared to give the disciples an important message–Jesus is coming back. As real as was His ascension, so will be His second coming. Then the disciples obeyed our Lord’s final command before He ascended and went into Jerusalem to tarry until they received the promised Baptism in the Holy Spirit. This is a soul-stirring lesson.

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Book of Acts Part 1 – Introduction

We are beginning a new study from the New Testament – The Book of Acts. This lesson is the introduction to Acts and its author. There is a lot of interesting information that will help us understand this very important historical book that reveals the life of the early church. But Acts is much more than an excellent history book, it’s also an account of the work of the Holy Spirit in birthing and growing the early church. This is a great lesson that’s a good beginning to a soul stirring study.

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Gospel of Luke Part 68 – 12:43-53

As we are nearing the end of our study in Luke chapter 12, Jesus warns us that there is a day of judgment. He did this out of love; for true love warns of the dangers we face. The Lord goes on to talk about His coming suffering and of the radical nature of the true faith. Jesus said in verse 49, “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” This is the heart of God for His people, so it would be good for us to learn what this means. Don’t miss this lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 19 – 5:16-26

The historical account we will examine in this lesson is about the healing of a paralytic man. At this preaching event the Pharisees and experts in the Mosaic Law came in judgment of Jesus. Of course, Jesus rises to the occasion by healing the paralytic and silencing the religious rulers with a very simple, yet logical argument. This is a great story to teach about.

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Gospel of Luke Part 12 – 4:9-13

In this lesson we will study the third temptation of Christ as recorded in the Gospel of Luke. How this temptation relates to us is enlightening and practical. Jesus made the way that we can overcome the devil through the grace and power He freely offers us. This lesson is important for minsters to listen to since there are some profound truths that relate to them.

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First John 3:13-16 Part 20

In this lesson the apostle John makes a strong contrast between those who are followers of Jesus and those who are not. The distinction between the two relate to those who live in and through God’s love and those who do not. This is a challenging message that can help every true believer walk nearer to Jesus and help those who are not one of Christ’s disciples to become one.

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