In His Presence Ministries

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Book of Acts Part 30 – 11:24-12:5

The portion of Scripture we will be looking at will cover a few events. First, we will look at Barnabas, who was used of God to minister in Antioch, Syria. He then seeks after Paul who is in Tarsus and Barnabas takes him to Antioch where they labor together for a year of fruitful ministry. A prophecy was given that famine was coming to Judah and Barnabas and Paul took an offering to those who were suffering. During this time Herod Agrippa murdered James, the brother of John, whom Jesus called the Sons of Thunder. Herod then arrested Peter and put him in prison. A big surprise was coming, for the king didn’t take into account the power of a praying church that would upset all his plans. There are some powerful truths that we will dig into in this lesson, so don’t miss it.

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Book of Acts Part 29 – 10:47-11:23

The repercussions of some Gentiles, or non-Jews, becoming followers of Messiah sent shock waves through Israel and into other nations. Peter went to Jerusalem to give his testimony about how those Gentiles came to Christ without first converting to Judaism. The evidence Peter gave was that they had not only converted to Christ, but had been baptized in the Holy Spirit like the 120 disciples experienced on the Day of Pentecost. What was the evidence that proved they had been baptized in the Holy Spirit? They spoke in other tongues. This is a really interesting lesson.

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Book of Acts Part 28 – 10:36-46

This lesson is about the conversion of Cornelius and all those who were at his house to hear what Peter had to say to them. As Peter was preaching to them they were all baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues. This is an exciting message and shows us what God wants to do today in baptizing people in the Holy Spirit. God is alive and well and He is still doing miracles and baptizing people in the Holy Spirit!

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Book of Acts Part 25 – 9:17-35

We are in the portion of Acts chapter 9 that goes into Paul’s actual conversion and what that looked like. Salvation not only comes through Christ alone, but there is only one kind of salvation and we see this lived out in Paul. He was a New Testament believer. It is of the utmost importance that we return to the Biblical model of salvation and forsake America Christianity that by and large is a perversion of the real thing. The podcast will end looking a Peter being used to heal a lame man. This is a good lesson.

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