In His Presence Ministries

Suffering in the Fallen World

Suffering in this Fallen World Part 9

In this last episode of the series on Suffering in this Fallen World, we will study the subject of the Fasted Life. Though this teaching is soundly based upon God’s Word, it is not commonly taught because it is contrary to the American Dream and the pop doctrine prosperity. Nonetheless, both Jesus and Paul clearly taught these truths. Warning, if you listen to this podcast it may change your life!

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Suffering in this Fallen World Part 8

In part eight of our study on Suffering in this Fallen World we will continue examining the issue of living the crucified life. The crucified life was clearly taught by Jesus and the rest of the New Testament. Actually, it is foundational to living the normal Christian as defined by God’s Word. We must live the crucified life to live holy, be compassionate, to love both friend and enemy or to know the wonders of God’s love. So listen to this teaching and grow in Christ–it is worth it all.

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Suffering in this Fallen World Part 7

In this seventh part of our study on Suffering in this Fallen World we will take a new direction within the subject by examining the crucified life. The crucified life is central to Christ’s teaching, and as a result, to the New Testament. Unfortunately, it is not a popular subject preached from our pulpits today. Yet it is a necessary part of the Christian faith. This podcast could be revolutionary to your spiritual life.

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Suffering in this Fallen World Part 6

Part six in this series on Suffering in this Fallen World will focus on the subject of persecution of true Christians. This is a immense subject, both Biblically and historically. Today we will only present an overview on the issue and how it relates to us today in America and the Western world. Persecution is on the rise world wide and it is increasing in America at a fast rate. If Christians are not preparing their hearts and minds for the coming persecution then many will not stand in the day of testing. This podcast will inform you on this extremely important subject.

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Suffering in this Fallen World Part 5

In part six of this study on Suffering in this Fallen World we will strive to understand two important issues. First, we will examine the right motive and attitude which true believers should have for being willing to suffer. Second, we will investigate the idea of suffering that benefits others. These two ideas are interwoven with each other, and when lived out in the life of a real Christian, will be sure foundations for making men and women of God.

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Suffering in this Fallen World Part 4

We are now in our fourth week studying the subject of Suffering in this Fallen World. Today we will examine four subjects on the issue of suffering: disciplinary suffering, remedial suffering, suffering that reveals our true inner life and suffering that helps us know Jesus more. The subject of suffering is a difficult one to say the least. But if we will strive to understand the dynamics of suffering as much as we are able we will be better prepared to overcome life’s obstacles when they come our way.

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Suffering in this Fallen World Part 3

This is part 3 in this teaching series on Suffering in this Fallen World. We will begin by looking at the costliness of our salvation and then move on to understand the dynamics of consequential suffering. It is vitally important that we comprehend as much as is humanly possible why suffering is in this world and how we can walk the victorious Christian life. You will find some practical truths that will help you through your suffering or prepare you for those yet to come.

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Suffering in this Fallen World Part 2

In part two of this teaching series on Suffering in this Fallen World we begin by looking at the wonderful idea that God is in control even when everything seems out of control. Not just that, God uses our suffering to develop in us a Christlike character. Through our suffering the Lord teaches us how to live more selflessly which includes how to lovingly obey Him. However, before we can live a Christlike life we need a radical change in how we view life and suffering. This means we need a spiritual revolution in our hearts and minds. Listen to this podcast and let God’s spiritual revolution begin in you.

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Suffering in this Fallen World Part 1

Suffering is a fact of life that we wish would never touch us. But we cannot escape its ever-reaching grasp. Yet in this world that inflicts so much pain and suffering there is a God that offers Himself as the remedy we so desperately need. In this teaching series we will study the mysteries that surround suffering and seek to learn the key to becoming an overcomer in this fallen world. There are answers to the pain you have gone through, are presently experiencing or will come to know. And the One True God offers hope to anyone that will seek to know Him with all of his or her heart.

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