In His Presence Ministries


Book of Acts Part 30 – 11:24-12:5

The portion of Scripture we will be looking at will cover a few events. First, we will look at Barnabas, who was used of God to minister in Antioch, Syria. He then seeks after Paul who is in Tarsus and Barnabas takes him to Antioch where they labor together for a year of fruitful ministry. A prophecy was given that famine was coming to Judah and Barnabas and Paul took an offering to those who were suffering. During this time Herod Agrippa murdered James, the brother of John, whom Jesus called the Sons of Thunder. Herod then arrested Peter and put him in prison. A big surprise was coming, for the king didn’t take into account the power of a praying church that would upset all his plans. There are some powerful truths that we will dig into in this lesson, so don’t miss it.

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Book of Acts Part 1 – Introduction

We are beginning a new study from the New Testament – The Book of Acts. This lesson is the introduction to Acts and its author. There is a lot of interesting information that will help us understand this very important historical book that reveals the life of the early church. But Acts is much more than an excellent history book, it’s also an account of the work of the Holy Spirit in birthing and growing the early church. This is a great lesson that’s a good beginning to a soul stirring study.

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Gospel of Luke Part 107 – 24:32-53

We now come to the final lesson from the Gospel of Luke. This is about Christ resurrection, ascension and sending out His followers to make disciples of all nations. Jesus told those disciples to first go into Jerusalem and pray until the power of the Holy Spirit fills them and that’s where this Gospel ends, and the Book of Acts picks up. Guess what next book of the New Testament that we will study next?

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Gospel of Luke Part 86 – 18:15-19

This lesson begins with Jesus blessing some babies and little children. This in turn caused the Lord to do some teaching on the absolute necessity to be like little children if we want to enter the Kingdom of God. After this account we will begin digging into the true story of a rich young ruler that sought after Jesus because he wanted to know how to inherit the Kingdom of God. This is a great lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 69 – 12:54-13:5

As we end our study in Luke chapter 12 we will begin digging into chapter 13. In the 11 verses we will examine, there are 3 important topics that are addressed. The first is about understanding the times, the second is our need to agree with our adversary and finally, unless we repent, we won’t enter the Kingdom of God. This is a challenging message.

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Gospel of Luke Part 68 – 12:43-53

As we are nearing the end of our study in Luke chapter 12, Jesus warns us that there is a day of judgment. He did this out of love; for true love warns of the dangers we face. The Lord goes on to talk about His coming suffering and of the radical nature of the true faith. Jesus said in verse 49, “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” This is the heart of God for His people, so it would be good for us to learn what this means. Don’t miss this lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 66 – 12:22-31

In this lesson we will continue studying what Jesus has to say about worry. We will also look at the Savior’s remedy to this expression to unbelief. The answer is far more obvious then we might think because we are prone to look for complicated answers to what is actually spiritual problems. You will have to listen to this lesson to learn what the remedy Jesus gives for worry.

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Gospel of Luke Part 49 – 9:37-45

The account we will study in this lesson happened right after Christ’s transfiguration when He came out of the mountain with Peter, James and John. The disciples not could cast the demon out of a boy, so the father waited for Jesus to return, not knowing how long that would be. When Jesus returned to the disciples camp, He was immediately plunged into ministering to the people. That’s when the desperate man begged Jesus to cast the demon out of the boy, and that is what Jesus did.

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