In His Presence Ministries


Book of Acts Part 49 – 20:33-21:9

This lesson begins by continuing the account of Paul’s visit with the elders of Ephesus. Here we will get a look at the profound love they had for each other. From there the pace picks up as we follow Paul’s journey from Miletus to Caesarea, which was the port city for Jerusalem. There are some wonderful truths that we will dig into in this lesson, so don’t miss it.

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Book of Acts Part 19 – 6:11-7:53

We are still studying the account of the character and martyrdom of Stephen. He was one of the first seven deacons in the church and became the first martyr because of the loving, yet bold witness he made before the very men that condemned Jesus to be crucified. We desperately need churches full of men and women who are like Stephen: full of the Holy Spirit, faith and power.

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Book of Acts Part 17 – 5:36-6:4

In this lesson we will finish studying the second recorded account of persecution that the infant church experienced. We will examine their response to this persecution, which was radical. Then we will begin looking at an important leadership issue that’s recorded at the beginning of Acts chapter six. This deals with the sin of prejudice that crept into the church. The message of this lesson is vitally important for believers today.

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Gospel of Luke Part 86 – 18:15-19

This lesson begins with Jesus blessing some babies and little children. This in turn caused the Lord to do some teaching on the absolute necessity to be like little children if we want to enter the Kingdom of God. After this account we will begin digging into the true story of a rich young ruler that sought after Jesus because he wanted to know how to inherit the Kingdom of God. This is a great lesson.

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Gospel of Luke Part 78 – 16:1-13

We are beginning Luke chapter 16. It starts with the Parable of the Unjust Steward that’s a challenging parable to understand. Yet if we pay close attention to what Jesus is teaching, and how it relates to the parable, all of a sudden it becomes easier to understand. What Jesus is teaching here is very radical so don’t miss this lesson and the good it can do you.

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Gospel of Luke Part 77 – 15:22-32

We will finish studying the Parable of the Prodigal Son and chapter 15 in this lesson. This will include the father’s response to his prodigal son’s repentance, which had some profound meanings. Then we dig into the elder brother’s reaction to learning that his wayward brother had returned home after living a wild life. The elder brother wasn’t happy that the father put on a celebration for this young rebel. There are some powerful truths to glean from this message.

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Gospel of Luke Part 34 – 6:39-49

Jesus said in Luke 6:39, “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?” What does it mean to be spiritually blind and what are the consequences? Equally as much, what does it mean to have spiritual eyes to see the truth and to know Him Who is the Truth? We will dig into these questions and others besides as we study the last eleven verses of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Luke.

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Gospel of Luke Part 5 – 3:4-5

In this lesson we will begin examining the message of John the Baptizer. His message is summarized in Isaiah 40 that is a prophesy about the one who would prepare the way for Messiah. Luke quotes this prophesy in chapter three, verses three through six. The prize of this prophesy is the promise that if we will prepare the way, then God will to come to us and we can freely go to Him. What it means to prepare the way is an important part of this stirring lesson.

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First John 4:11-15 Part 28

The apostle John is still pressing home his teaching on love as we study verses 11-15 of the fourth chapter of First John. We will see the necessity of giving evidence that we are genuine followers of Jesus. Confession without a life that proves the validity of our confession is more than worthless, because it can be destructive. But when the true faith is lived out, the benefits are awesome.

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